L34 5 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

L34 5 is a postcode sector in Knowsley, UK. Below is a complete list of L34 5 Postcodes (Active). L34 5 postcode sector comprises of 77 active postcodes. L34 5 sector has a population of 1337, and it has 733 properties in the region.

Browse Information On L34 5 postcode sector

L34 5 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 1337
Addresses / Property Count 733
Active Postcodes 77
Nearby Postcode Districts 65
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of L34 5 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 77 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
L34 5AB 53.42506800 -2.80032800 N/A N/A 346915 392329
L34 5AD 53.42538200 -2.80043900 N/A N/A 346908 392364
L34 5AE 53.42474600 -2.80018700 N/A N/A 346924 392293
L34 5AF 53.42446800 -2.80009100 N/A N/A 346930 392262
L34 5AG 53.42430900 -2.79963700 N/A N/A 346960 392244
L34 5AH 53.42793500 -2.79636400 N/A N/A 347182 392645
L34 5GA 53.42882900 -2.80375500 N/A N/A 346692 392750
L34 5NB 53.42508100 -2.80111100 10 17 346863 392331
L34 5ND 53.42442400 -2.80252800 40 103 346768 392259
L34 5NE 53.42323000 -2.80094100 N/A N/A 346872 392125
L34 5NG 53.42410800 -2.80014500 N/A N/A 346926 392222
L34 5NH 53.42373200 -2.80114600 N/A N/A 346859 392181
L34 5NL 53.42434700 -2.80057000 N/A N/A 346898 392249
L34 5NN 53.42453500 -2.80078500 N/A N/A 346884 392270
L34 5NQ 53.42679800 -2.80102300 N/A N/A 346871 392522
L34 5NR 53.42546600 -2.79868000 37 97 347025 392372
L34 5NT 53.42645700 -2.79693800 5 11 347142 392481
L34 5NU 53.42641500 -2.79790000 9 26 347078 392477
L34 5PB 53.42784400 -2.80053100 24 35 346905 392638
L34 5PD 53.42801300 -2.80089500 37 63 346881 392657
L34 5PE 53.42922300 -2.80009000 47 58 346936 392791
L34 5PF 53.42836100 -2.79992300 27 55 346946 392695
L34 5PG 53.42791900 -2.79878600 N/A N/A 347021 392645
L34 5PH 53.42430800 -2.79844800 20 38 347039 392243
L34 5PJ 53.42478900 -2.79767400 12 18 347091 392296
L34 5QA 53.42906700 -2.80457200 4 8 346638 392777
L34 5QE 53.42866700 -2.80486500 6 9 346618 392733
L34 5QH 53.42962700 -2.80277700 2 5 346758 392838
L34 5QJ 53.42922700 -2.80346200 N/A N/A 346712 392794
L34 5QL 53.42956900 -2.80205300 N/A N/A 346806 392831
L34 5QN 53.42973200 -2.80327500 12 17 346725 392850
L34 5QP 53.42969200 -2.80375600 3 5 346693 392846
L34 5QQ 53.42824800 -2.80175700 N/A N/A 346824 392684
L34 5QR 53.43009600 -2.80260500 N/A N/A 346770 392890
L34 5QU 53.42926700 -2.80289000 11 21 346750 392798
L34 5QX 53.43015300 -2.80040800 18 36 346916 392895
L34 5QY 53.42939400 -2.79870900 7 12 347028 392809
L34 5RB 53.42997200 -2.80099200 4 12 346877 392875
L34 5RD 53.42766800 -2.79864600 7 15 347030 392617
L34 5RE 53.42922900 -2.79909700 1 2 347002 392791
L34 5RF 53.42768100 -2.79813500 4 7 347064 392618
L34 5RG 53.42724800 -2.79693800 8 19 347143 392569
L34 5RH 53.42935300 -2.80451700 N/A N/A 346642 392809
L34 5RJ 53.42794700 -2.79732700 19 24 347118 392647
L34 5RL 53.42854600 -2.79909900 13 22 347001 392715
L34 5RN 53.42757400 -2.79658300 25 32 347167 392605
L34 5RQ 53.42737100 -2.79609700 15 20 347199 392582
L34 5RR 53.42821700 -2.79862600 N/A N/A 347032 392678
L34 5RS 53.42814700 -2.79958800 13 20 346968 392671
L34 5RT 53.42990300 -2.80293200 N/A N/A 346748 392869
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